Tag Archives: Butch

Trona to Austin

Trona to Austin: How Life Snuck Up on Me

Some of you may remember Paul “Butch” MacLean, especially if you you were in the class of 1959. I don’t remember him at all but I do remember the places and the people that he wrote about in his chapters about Trona. Paul didn’t write this book in hopes that it would be a bestseller. He wrote it so that his children and grandchildren could read about and know about his life.

If like me you grew up in Trona about the same time Paul did you should enjoy this book. If you grew up as an ordinary child and became an ordinary man like most of us you will be able to relate to Paul and the story of his life.

I’m glad that he decided to share his story with the rest of us by using a self publishing service. The book is a fun read. I can recommend it.